Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We're movin' to Texas y'all!

Yay! Joe has found a wonderful opportunity in Dallas, Texas. It was the first interview he went on and we ended up cancelling his other interviews because we both felt so good about this opportunity. It met our criteria of warmer winters, great job opportunity, and being in an area where we could possibly stay if we like it well enough. We will be there for at least 3 years and we are very excited about this new adventure. Now comes the next hurdle...since we had to make last minute plans, we were not able to find housing quick enough. So now we are nomads. We will move our stuff into storage here, move in with our parents, and then come back and move our stuff to Texas when we have a place to live. It makes me tired just thinking about it all! We are considering buying a house since housing is pretty inexpensive there, but that means more time living as nomads. It is a pain, but I actually feel more sorry for our parents than us! Well, I know everything will work out in the end...I've learned that it just takes patience and a lot of prayers. Thanks everyone for all of your kind words and support!

Now here are some pictures of us at a park. Samuel does not like to be cooped up in our tiny apartment so we seriously go twice a day if it's decent weather. We usually go to a park with a basketball court because Samuel loves to run around Joe and shoot at the hoops even though his ball goes no higher than his head. It gets a little tricky when other people are playing on the court though because he wants their ball even though his looks exactly the same. Luckily, people think he's cute enough and are happy to switch balls.

Meanwhile, as Samuel is running around and claiming every basketball as his, Mason is usually content to sit on his blanket for an hour and play with the grass. Here he is pretending he is going to crawl.

For the grandparents, here is a video of Mason enjoying the park:


Krystal Trapnell said...

Well, one big hurdle down...
Congrats on the job in Texas. Everything works out for a reason, right? Good luck house hunting and everything else.

Mindy said...

Congrats on the new job in a warm place! Good luck with finding a house.

Sarah Lunt said...

Congrats on Texas! You're going to LOVE it! Good luck with the transition time and keep us posted.

Kristin said...

Tim went to his last 2 years of high school in TX (Southlake right by Dallas) and loved it. AND we lived there for a summer right after we got married and it was so nice. Nice people, beautful houses, fun things to do... You guys will like it : ) Let us know when you are in UT to visit, we would love to see you.

katester said...

We are so excited for you guys! Texas is closer than Florida and we hear it is a much better opportunity for Joe.
Your boys are so cute and getting so big. I love how Mason claps his hands. Can't wait to meet him in a few days.

Aaron and Kristel said...

We're going to miss you guys! Keep in touch :) Post lots of pictures of your two cuties in the warm Texas sun. :)

Dave & Jada said...

Jen, Of course I knew that was Pocahontas. What kind of girl do you think I am. I know all the princess. It was the first thing Savy told her. We actually have a picture of Savy telling her all about her friend Jen.

Shannon Sundberg said...

Wow! So fun to catch up on your family. I can't believe how much everything in your world has changed! I was with some fellow buckeyes last night and they told me to check out your blog, I hope that is okay. It is fun to keep up with everyone. Your boys are darling! Congrats to Joe on graduating! What an accomplishment. Good luck on your big adventure! I hope everything goes smoothly. Enjoy the time with your family. Love, The Sundbergs

Shannon Sundberg said...

Wow! So fun to catch up on your family. I can't believe how much everything in your world has changed! I was with some fellow buckeyes last night and they told me to check out your blog, I hope that is okay. It is fun to keep up with everyone. Your boys are darling! Congrats to Joe on graduating! What an accomplishment. Good luck on your big adventure! I hope everything goes smoothly. Enjoy the time with your family. Love, The Sundbergs

Lofgrens said...

Yay! Can't wait for you guys to get out here! Congrats and good luck with everything