Monday, January 10, 2011

Curious about the baby...

Here are just a few of the conversations I've had with the boys that have stuck out in my mind. Of course Joe was no where near at these times so I couldn't just send them over to him. He's much better at improvising than me.

Samuel points to my boobs and says "Mommy, are you growing babies in there too?"
Me: "No honey, that's just part of my chest"
Next day...
Samuel points to my boobs and says "Mommy, are those the baby's feet?"
Me: "Honey, mommy already told you that these are part of my chest."
Samuel: "But they're getting bigger, like your tummy!"

Samuel: "Mommy, how will the baby come out of you? Your mouth?"
Me: "Yep. Hey, show me that picture you made at school today!"

Mason: "Will baby sister have a ding dong?"
Me: "Do girls have ding dongs?"
Mason: "No"
Me: "Then no, she will not have one b/c she's a girl"
Mason: "Aww, how sad."

Samuel: "Mommy, your tummy is getting so big!"
Me: "Umm, thanks hon. That's a good thing b/c that means the baby is growing."
Samuel: "How much BIGGER can she get? Geez."

Mason: "Mommy I can't see! Your big tummy is in my way!" (Apparently I was walking in
front of the TV at the moment)
Me: "Excuse me! Try again Mason."
Mason: "Sorry. Mommy, move your big tummy please"

Finally, last but not least:
Samuel: "Mommy, but how did the baby get in there?"
Me: my mouth opens but nothing comes out.

Ahh, the curiousities of toddlers. Very entertaining for sure. My self-esteem has never been better as they remind me that I am getting bigger almost everyday. Kids are much more observant than I've given them credit for. The best is that I am now referred to as a penguin (started by Joe, thanks a lot) since I am already waddling. Yep those, varicose veins are killer.
Hope everyone had a great holiday and will post pictures of ours soon!