Monday, December 14, 2009

Update on Jenn:)

For those who are curious about the status of my health situation, or for those who have absolutely no idea what I am talking about but might like to know...I thought it would easiest to inform and update my blog and in that way, everyone who cares will be in the know on how I am doing :)
So, how do I summarize a 5 month and counting experience? I'll try to keep it as short as possible.

  • After a miscarriage in July, 2 D&C's (both related to same m/c), and months of continuous and major bleeding, my doctors figure there's something wrong.
  • 2 biopsies, a gazilion ultrasounds, and CT scan later, I find my self sitting in front of an oncologist who gives me a diagnosis:

Gestational Trophoblastic Disease

  • Apparently after I m/c, some of the 'tissue' embedded into my uterus and formed a small tumor. So, while GTD is a form of cancer, I have a 99% chance of a full recovery as long as it hasn't spread elsewhere...and it hasn't (phew!)
  • I've had 2 weekly chemo treatments and so far I've got 4 more scheduled...but the dose is very mild and the side effects have been really minimal. PLUS, test results show that the medicine is working...already! Hallelujah! I'm ready for this to be over!

So that's my story, in as few of words as I could manage! The hardest part of the whole thing really has been that the bleeding has made me very anemic so I am weak and tired all the time. And did I mention, grouchy? Yikes, poor Joe and the boys! Anyways, I will try to remember to post any updates on me when I hear any news from my doctor.

I also wanted to snowed here in Texas! How cool is that? It was very strange to wake up and to see white all around (a very thin layer, but still!)