Saturday, September 10, 2011
Happy Birthday Mason!
Posted by Jenn Whitesides at 9:13 PM 3 comments
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Woah, what a month!
Posted by Jenn Whitesides at 1:02 PM 7 comments
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Early Surprise!
Welcome Stella SuzAnne Whitesides who came to us 4 weeks early:
6 lbs. 3oz. 19 1/4 inchesSo here's the labor and delivery story. People are right when they say every experience is different! It all started before we left to go visit the Rigby's in Austin for the weekend. Literally, right before I got in the car, I found out that I had some spotting. After talking to the nurse and researching the internet with Kristen it was decided that I lost my mucuos plug (I know, sounds gross and is) and that labor could still be weeks away. I decide to go the 3 hr. trip. That night, I had painful contractions that were consistently 7 minutes apart for an hour and I was about to die. Not from pain but from fear that I was going to give birth in Austin, away from home and our hospital! I prayed like I never prayed before and they went away that night. So that was Friday night. We had a blast with the Rigby's over the weekend and came back on Sunday. The painful contractions were still coming, but not consistently. Monday morning, I had heavy bleeding and decided to go to my OB who found that I was dialated at a 5. I was having contractions 10 minutes apart so they checked me into the hospital right then. They stopped again and after several hours of waiting and watching, my OB decided to send me home hoping that we could keep the baby in longer. This was my wakeup call and when I got home, I was in a "nesting" frenzy trying to get everything that I had put off into order before I really went into bag, laundry for baby, clean house, etc. Made back-up arrangements for the boys and so forth. At about 2ish, I started to have contractions again but waited almost 2 hrs. to make sure it was the real thing this time! I called my dear friend Jayne and she came over to stay with the boys and we headed over to the hospital! It was smooth sailing from there...labor progressed quickly, got my epidural and had Stella at 9:30 that morning.
Coming home from the hospital. As you can tell, I'm a little excited to have a girl...there's lot's of pink in our house right now!
Well, hopefully on Monday we'll have good news and I can just relax and get more rest at night! Waking her up so often is starting to catch up on me and my poor boys are starting to notice how grouchy I am. Whatever the case, she's totally worth it and I am loving having a little peanut around again.
Posted by Jenn Whitesides at 4:03 PM 7 comments
Monday, January 10, 2011
Curious about the baby...
Here are just a few of the conversations I've had with the boys that have stuck out in my mind. Of course Joe was no where near at these times so I couldn't just send them over to him. He's much better at improvising than me.
Samuel points to my boobs and says "Mommy, are you growing babies in there too?"
Me: "No honey, that's just part of my chest"
Next day...
Samuel points to my boobs and says "Mommy, are those the baby's feet?"
Me: "Honey, mommy already told you that these are part of my chest."
Samuel: "But they're getting bigger, like your tummy!"
Samuel: "Mommy, how will the baby come out of you? Your mouth?"
Me: "Yep. Hey, show me that picture you made at school today!"
Mason: "Will baby sister have a ding dong?"
Me: "Do girls have ding dongs?"
Mason: "No"
Me: "Then no, she will not have one b/c she's a girl"
Mason: "Aww, how sad."
Samuel: "Mommy, your tummy is getting so big!"
Me: "Umm, thanks hon. That's a good thing b/c that means the baby is growing."
Samuel: "How much BIGGER can she get? Geez."
Mason: "Mommy I can't see! Your big tummy is in my way!" (Apparently I was walking in
front of the TV at the moment)
Me: "Excuse me! Try again Mason."
Mason: "Sorry. Mommy, move your big tummy please"
Finally, last but not least:
Samuel: "Mommy, but how did the baby get in there?"
Me: my mouth opens but nothing comes out.
Ahh, the curiousities of toddlers. Very entertaining for sure. My self-esteem has never been better as they remind me that I am getting bigger almost everyday. Kids are much more observant than I've given them credit for. The best is that I am now referred to as a penguin (started by Joe, thanks a lot) since I am already waddling. Yep those, varicose veins are killer.
Hope everyone had a great holiday and will post pictures of ours soon!
Posted by Jenn Whitesides at 7:48 PM 10 comments