Thursday, June 25, 2009

Congratulations Joe!

Exactly a year ago, Joe and I were scrambling to figure out a Plan B because our Plan A failed at the last moment...which was to move to Florida by my parents, in a house we'd chosen, and Joe would work for and eventually buy out an orthodontic practice in my old hometown. Due to the horrible luck of a patient biting Joe's hand, he drilled too far and failed the restorative part of the FL dental boards. Even though it was disappointing not to be able to live by my family, we couldn't dwell too long on the turn of events because we had to focus on Joe finding a job and figure out where to live since we had to be out of our apartment in 2 weeks!

Well it all worked out thanks to Joe's wonderful parents who let the boys and I live with them for that summer while Joe worked in Texas and closed on our house. And we've loved every minute here and definitely have thoughts of staying here longterm. So this is why it was a hard decision to retake the part of the FL board he failed...but we decided that he might as well try again since he is so close and it will leave FL as an option in the future. So he endured another weekend of FL boards, and this time, things went much more smoothly and he passed!

I am so proud of you Joe! What a champ you are for enduring 2 FL dental boards for me. Maybe it was meant to be that you failed that first time and we live in Texas. But whatever happens, whether or not we move to Florida, at least you have something to show for all the dental board torture you endured!


Dave & Jada said...

Whahoo for you Joe, Way to go!

Mindy said...

Congratulations! What a relief!

katester said...

That is awesome, way to go Joe! We all knew you were capable of the impossible and you proved us right. Congrats! We couldn't be happier for you guys. Now the sky is the limit.

Rebekah said...

congrats to Joe! That is awesome! Let us know what your moving plans are. When we finally go to Florida, it would be fun to have more friends there to go visit.