Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Life in Texas

I just wanted to start off with this picture to illustrate why I can't find time to blog. Aside from Mason never napping, my kids are destroyers!! I find myself constantly running around yelling "We only write on paper!", "Don't pound your car on that!", "No throwing blocks at the window!" Every day, actually every HOUR, you can find me mourning over all the marks, scratches, and dents on the surfaces of our furniture and new house...sniffle, sniffle. I'm beginning to think that I'm wasting my time and vocal chords trying to keep anything in decent shape around here. Anyways, by the time the kids go to bed I move into zombie mode, too tired to do anything except work the remote. As for the picture, we bought the boys a little tent for their playroom. Within minutes of playing with it, I found that Samuel had taken all the poles out and was scratching our walls with the ends of them. We then taped all the poles together so he couldn't take them apart, but it was no match for Samuel. He just had to get that tent through the doorway. Here's Joe and Mason enjoying the last day at our community pool. Isn't it awesome? There's also a 6 lane lap pool, another pool with a waterfall, other baby pools and slides shown below. This pool area was a major draw for us in choosing our house. We didn't get Crypto this time, thank goodness! Samuel and I going down the slide. Talk about a major fit when we have to leave the slide area!Joe and Samuel at the Fort Worth Zoo which is an awesome zoo. Samuel really loves animals so we've already taken him 3 times.
Here are some pictures of when our playgroup went to the zoo. I was not sure how fun it would be to take a bunch of 2 year olds and their baby siblings to the zoo, but we ended up having an awesome time. And, I swear my boys have more than 1 outfit! Our attempt at a group photo of the kids...Samuel trying to get as much space between he and all of the girls.

Samuel, not much of a socializer!
I just wanted to post this picture of my favorite grocery cart in the world. I absolutely cannot stand how most stores do not accomodate shopping with two babies very well. Samuel usually ends up in the basket part, either smashing my bread or throwing produce over the edge shouting "ball!" The big cars in the front are a pain to push and plus I can't monitor the hair pulling and hitting that goes on down there. So when I stepped into this expensive health food grocery store for the first time and saw this cart, I knew that I would be a frequent customer. Anything to make shopping with kids easier! Finally, my future golfer already in training. Just in case Samuel may one day want to go into the dental field, Joe wants to make sure that he meets the prerequisite of playing golf. Oh, and this is not a pose for the camera...this is really Joe trying to help Samuel connect with the ball.


Mindy said...

When you figure out how to handle those boys better let me know! There are days when Henry is SO good and then all of a sudden it seems I am following him around, "Don't do this, Don't do that!" It's rough. It's frustrating. Crayons, stay out of my purse, stay out of the fridge, don't throw that(frisbees)in the house, we don't throw rocks or sand or books, where did you get that pen?! ETC. Let me know when you find out the secret to boys.

Mindy said...

PS. They make play pup tents without poles that spring open and can collapse down like those sun reflectors you find in car windshields.

katester said...

You are seriously so funny how you describe everything. My favorite was the grocery store incidents of throwing produce out of the cart while chanting "ball". Way too funny. I miss you guys for sure but it looks like you guys are having way too much fun in Texas to give us a thought. lol! I don't think anybody could rip me away from the slide either. glad you guys are doing well, busy but well.

april said...

Little boys are crazy aren't they? I mean where do they come up with their ideas? Anyway, looks like you're doing great in Texas, so great maybe we should move there too. Your community pool is incredible! I'm so glad to see your doing well!

Aaron and Kristel said...

Your post made me giggle.. you are such a good Mom! I've been wondering how you are doing in Texas and looks like your love it. ;) The boys are growing up soo fast! They are so handsome Jenn. I'm glad you are doing well. :) PS.. The weather is getting cold here I'm sure you miss it..hehe NOT!

Kristin said...

Yeah! I am so glad you posted again. You crack me up. I totally feel the same way about my kids and blogging. I know you didn't but in the picture from the zoo, it looks like you cut your hair really short. I did a double take because I can never imagine you cutting your hair that short. It is cute though! i am glad you guys are doing good.

Kris said...

Those pics are great. It looks like you guys are enjoying Texas. We're coming out to look at Austin Nov. 11-15!! I need to call you some day & catch up.

Rebekah said...

awesome grocery cart and you are so right about the ones with the cars in front...Ella fell out of the front of one right on her head once! talk about embarrasing mom moment. I am so glad you have friends there so quickly!