Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's a GIRL!

Yep, for those who didn't know, I am pregnant...with a GIRL!!! Holla! Our Vegas trip was a major success :) I was trying to find a more creative way to break the news but as weeks continued to pass I decided to just announce the news before I delivered a 3rd child without having told all my friends.

So, here are the facts: 20 weeks along, due March 17th (St. Patrick's day everyone tells me), a GIRL (did I mention that?), and my worst pregnancy to date.

I shouldn't say that since the baby has been strong and healthy so far, but my have I suffered this time around!! It's gotten a lot better but even at 20 weeks I'm still losing my meals here and there. I'm anemic so I lay around all the time with no energy and I've got painful varicose veins. Yep, just got my presciption for my compression hose...lovely huh? My next door neighbor is due the week after me and she is having the time of her life being pregnant. No nasuea, no veins, and full of energy as she zips back and forth to the gym.

Oh well. However miserable I have been, I cannot forget what a blessing this pregnancy is. It was a year ago that they found a tumor in my uterus. And now I'm arguing over girl names with Joe! (He's so opinionated at the wrong times!) Anyways, Trapnells...we're going to have to postpone our plans for a cruise dangit. One day when we're 50 I'm sure we can coordinate our lives and go!

Here's a picture of my cute boys. More to come!


Krystal Trapnell said...

SO SO SO SO Happy for you guys! I can't wait to see what the little Whitesides girl is going to look like!

We have the rest of our lives to cruise. We'll make it one of these days!

Dave & Jada said...

Yippee! I am so happy for you! This is Truly a miracle. I can't wait to see this beautiful little one. Funny bc I called you the other day to see how things were going. I wonder if I was calling right when you were finding out. I do have great intuition.

Brian Adair Fam said...

Oh my goodness!! Congratulations!! We are so happy for you! I'm like Krystal and can't wait to see what a whiteside's girl is going to look like! ;0) Keep us posted on how things are going. I'm sorry you haven't had the best pregnancy. Hopefully it gets better from here, right?

Noelle and Corey said...

YAY!!! I'm so happy for you!!! I hope your pregnancy gets better soon. I am expecting a girl at the end of Feb., and this pregnancy has been a lot harder than the last also. I feel so guilty for sitting on the couch so long most days, but it could be worse! We need to get together before long. Take care!!

katester said...

Jen, this is the best news! I am so happy for you guys. YOu will absolutely love having a girl but will die when you buy her clothes and can't decide on the cutest outfit.

Lofgrens said...
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Lofgrens said...

Congratulations you guys! I never really read blogs, but happened to pull up yours as I was looking at ours. We are so excited for your family! We want to get together soon. We'll call and see how everything is going and what might work out.


Tamara said...

Jenn I got your Christmas card with the great news!!! Congrats! Funny thing is I'm preggo with a girl due in late feb/early March too. So far we are 3 for 3:-) It's been a harder pregnancy for me too (I want the baby out now)!:-) Wish we could live close by so we could complain to each other about it like we did with our MSW program:-) Merry Christmas!