Thursday, February 18, 2010

Is this really Texas?

Yes, the picture you're looking at is our home in Keller, TEXAS. We got a whole foot of snow and it stayed on the ground for almost 4 days. Supposedly, this kind of snowfall hasn't happened in over 40 years. The kids were absolutely loving it....ok, ok....Joe and I were loving it too! Joe was very proud of the snowman he built with the boys. It was the tallest one in the neighborhood...our Texan neighbors were not much competition to Utah boy.

Joe built a snowfort for the boys.
Samuel making a snowangel. My poor kids had no snow clothes so they were sopping wet in no time. They still lasted almost 2 hours our there though!


Mindy said...

Wow! That's a lot of snow for you. Looks like your kids had a great time. Good thing you enjoyed it if it may not happen like that again for another 40 years.

Noelle and Corey said...

It felt a little like Ohio or Utah for a minute there! It was fun, but I'm glad it doesn't snow like that often here!

katester said...

ha! I really miss you guys and Joes competitve nature. We need to get together this summer and play some fuze ball.
love the pictures of all the snow and the awesome snowman. so cute!