The highlight of the day for Mason was the Merry Go Round. He absolutely loved it...too bad I happened to sit on the only animal that didn't move. We were too cheap to pay for another round, but luckily Mason didn't care. I think his expression in this picture is so funny.
Samuel on the other hand certainly did care. He was sitting on his favorite animal and did not want to leave. He was content to watch the Merry-go-Round, so we let him be for 30 minutes. We waited until the crowd died down before we finally braved the full-on-out tantrum.
Well we are finally on our way to Texas tommorrow, yay!!! After 6 weeks on hold in Utah, we can finally get our 'post-graduation' lives started. On Thursday, Joe and his dad flew to Milwaukee to get our stuff, and made it to Kellar,Texas by Saturday night. They had a delay due to a tire blowing out on the car trailer. Fun stuff...glad I'm responsible for flying the kids down! Many thanks to Tom and Suzy for opening your home to myself and our 2 busy, busy boys. I really appreciate your help these past weeks and I am certainly going to miss it once I'm on my own during the days again:( I will especially miss the wonderful company and watching you both interact with these babies in ways that only grandparents can. Thank you so much for everything! This move is so happy and so sad at the same time. For those of you that live by family, please always remember how truly lucky you are!! Well, hope everyone's summers are going well and I will see ya in Texas!!