Happy Easter! And yes we are still alive and well. Obviously I've gotten pretty lazy with blogging but I have 3 decent excuses: 1. My days are filled with sibling rivalry 2. Our computer stinks so it takes an hour just to check my email (I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea...it's SLOW!) 3. DVR-Maybe I'll be a better blogger in the summer when there's not as much to watch! Anyways, here's a few pictures of our Easter celebration:
A couple of days before Easter day, our playgroup had an Easter egg hunt. Here's Mason in action. I was impressed that he knew exactly what to do once I set him free. I've never seen him run so fast! I thought this picture was funny because Mason looks so sad. I'm guessing that Samuel stole that green egg from him. Here are the kids exploring their eggs. My kids of course gagged on the chocalote candies and Samuel kept giving everyone a "taste" of his sucker. I'm sure they all have runny noses by now!
My kiddos goofing off. They are constantly hot and cold: laughing together one minute, crying and hitting the next. I love them to pieces, but boy they are alot of work! To the grandparents: our little Mason is getting strong! This was taken a month ago (or was it 2 months?) and we are at one of the parks in our neighborhood.
Here is a sample of what our Family Home Evenings are like. Opening song, fun song, lesson, and prayer all within a 5-10 minute span. You'll see why they don't last very long!
Mason's favorite song right now is "Pokerface" by Lady Gaga. Because our cd player no longer works in my car, the boys have become big fans of pop music. Samuel in particular loves songs by Pink. Whenever we are switching music in the car, Samuel makes certain that we stop and listen to any Pink songs. My boys are growing up to be so cultured. This video is of Mason singing the Pokeface song. Of course it's never as good once you get the camera out, dang it!
And finally, I wanted to announce that Samuel went pee pee on the potty for the first time tonight. I have heard horror stories about potty training so I have had no interest in potty training Samuel until he was 3. Anyways, lately Samuel has been telling me when he is about to go potty and like the good mother that I am, I usually just tell him to go in his diaper. Finally guilt pushed me to sit him on the toilet, and after the 3rd try, he went! We'll see what happens from here. I'd much rather change diapers at this point in my life, so we'll be taking the potty training VERY slow!
Well, we should be all caught up by now. Let's see, am I missing anything? Joe is loving his new job and I am loving being here. We both turned 1 year older; I am FINALLY back into my prepregnancy clothes (only took me 18 months, pathetic! I need to breastfeed next time!); and I got Joe to watch Twilight with me the night it came out on DVD. He did question that "glittering vampire" idea, but otherwise didn't think it was too bad. Hope everyone is well!!